Acupuncture &
Chinese Medicine
Being able to see the forest through the trees within this ancient medicine is key to understanding how to navigate within this very powerful practice.
About Dr. Brian Caswell
Dr. Brian Specializes in:
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Functional Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Nutrition, Supplementation and Neutraceuticals
Methylation Disorders
Conditions Dr. Brian specializes in:
Auto-Immune Diseases
Mento-Emotional Conditions
Acute & Chronic Pain

About Dr Lorri Beauchamp
Board Certified Primary Care Practitioner in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine​
Licensed Acupuncturist, State of Michigan
Fellow of American Board of Oriental Reproductive Acupuncture ABORM
Blissborn Practitioner
Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine

Dr. Lorri Specializes in:
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Fertility/Infertility Support
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Nutrition, Supplementation and Neutraceuticals
Conditions Dr. Lorri specializes in:
Fertility/Infertility Support
Mento-Emotional Conditions
Acute & Chronic Pain

What is Chinese Medicine?
It’s funny, in China they just call it Medicine. Just kidding, well kind of. In China and other parts of East Asia, the modality that we, over here in the West, call Chinese Medicine is actually a culmination of many cultures, knowledge, and wisdom gathered and practiced over thousands of years. In China, all forms of medicine are practiced within a hospital setting. As a patient, you would see both a Western and Eastern doctor, as well as, be prescribed both Western and Chinese herbal medicine. China has relied heavily on Chinese Herbal medicine in treating its people, often with staggering success rates compared to Western medication.
East Asian Medicine (EAM) encompasses many modalities: acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, tui na, qi gong, and nutritional therapy. EAM includes both the ancient and most advanced medicines of China, Korea, and Japan.
Chinese Medicine and EAM are often known for their most famous modality, acupuncture. This vision of needles is different for everyone. Here in the West we often attribute needles to vaccines or shots, we probably also think about crying babies or getting our blood drawn. Probably not the best thoughts and pictures come to our mind but rest assured acupuncture is different.
To give you an idea of the scale, a blood draw needle I just mentioned, more than 20 acupuncture needles could fit inside the tip. They are also solid, not hollow, and rarely hurt. Most people experience pressure when being needled, followed by a surge of feel-good neurotransmitters. See, no need to worry, by the second and third treatment, you’ll be checking your calendar of when your next appointment is scheduled.
Below is a list of some of the conditions Chinese Medicine can help with:
Acute & chronic musculoskeletal disorders
Post-viral and long-haul symptoms
Infertility and pregnancy support
Neurological disorders – headache, migraine, Bell’s palsy, post-stroke symptoms, trigeminal neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and neuropathy
Gastrointestinal disorders – gastritis, constipation/diarrhea, indigestion, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
Respiratory disorders – common cold, sinusitis, seasonal allergies, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis
Gynecological disorders – PMS (premenstrual syndrome), PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), irregular menstruation, fertility enhancement, menopause symptoms
Cardiovascular disorders – circulatory problems; hypertension, palpitations, poor circulation
Emotional disorders – stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression
Weight Loss
Cancer treatment support
Preventive medicine & wellness maintenance
Acupuncture treats only pain, right?
You already know where I am going with this, right? No, of course not! It treats so much more. Most of what we treat in the clinic is mental-emotional, auto-immune, migraines, gastrointestinal, infertility, and yes pain. Most often though, patients come in with pain, we get rid of it, and we then move on to the root of the issue. Pain is a great motivator to seek help.
Acupuncture's Role in Fertility Enhancement​
Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, stimulating underlying nerve endings and corresponding organs. Focusing on reproductive organs and the nervous system, acupuncture aims to regulate hormonal balance and improve blood circulation.
Acupuncture's Potential Benefits for Fertility
Regulating hormone levels in both partners to support reproductive function.
Promoting regular menstrual cycles and ovulation.
Enhancing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries to facilitate implantation.
Improving sperm health by increasing count and motility.
Alleviating stress and anxiety, and fostering relaxation crucial for conception.
When it comes to your reproductive health, acupuncture, and Chinese medicine can:
Increase live birth rates.
Increase sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Regulate hormones and menstrual cycles.
Reduce stress.
Improve blood flow to the ovaries and uterus.
Reduce miscarriages.
Improve the thickness of the uterine lining.
Lessen the side effects of medications.
Enhance the immune system.
So what's going on during treatment? What does it feel like?
​Acupuncture is the insertion of single-use, solid, sterile needles the width of a human hair, into various points or areas of the body. Western science has proven that acupuncture induces a physiological and biochemical response that tells the body to release calming neurotransmitters, nourish the area with fresh oxygen and nutrients, and turn on our immune system by stimulating white blood cells. What that means, is that for thousands of years, acupuncture has been used to reduce pain, improve mood, and stimulate the body’s natural healing systems. When used in conjunction with nutrition, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, and functional medicine, the results are often drastic and life-changing.
What can Acupuncture help with?
Acupuncture works by stimulating the body’s internal healing system. In Chinese Medicine, this is referred to as Qi (Chee), or life force. This energy is responsible for our health and well-being. When Qi is disrupted or stagnated, to put it simply, then disease manifests. It is only by allowing the energy to flow that we can begin the process of healing. Acupuncture is only one way from which to facilitate the movement of energy. We move energy all the time when we laugh, dance, sing, passionately get involved in a project, or even play golf. When we are living our best life Qi flows. It is when we forget, become sick, or get too old to enjoy life that Qi begins to stagnate. Acupuncture can begin the process of moving energy so our body remembers what free-flowing energy is like. When this happens our body naturally takes over seeking balance. It is in this process of balance that the potential for healing takes place.
What that means, is that for thousands of years, acupuncture has been used to reduce pain, improve mood, and stimulate the body’s natural healing systems. When used in conjunction with nutrition, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, and functional medicine, the results are often drastic and life-changing.
What should I expect?
Expect to love it! Most people are pleasantly surprised by the experience of an acupuncture treatment. The treatment produces a profound level of relaxation in most people and many patients enjoy a restful nap while on the table. It's often described as getting to a deep level of meditation or relaxation without the work.
Is it safe?
Oriental Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Acupuncture are safe and effective during all phases of life, including childhood, during pregnancy, and while undergoing other medical treatment. In many cases offsetting some of the unpleasant side effects of Western treatment, such as those seen with prescription medication, vaccines, chemotherapy, radiation, and steroid use.
Does it hurt?
The needles that are used are extremely thin, thin as human hair. In fact, 20 acupuncture needles can fit inside a common hypodermic needle that most patients have experienced in the past with a common shot.
Number of Treatments Recommended
After the initial evaluation, a trial course of acupuncture is recommended. This usually consists of four to six visits during a three or four-week period. If the patient is experiencing acute or even chronic pain, Dr. B personally expects to have a 20 to 30% reduction in pain after the first treatment. How long this reduced pain lasts varies from patient to patient and depends on the patient’s overall health and various other cofactors. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect, with each treatment building upon the last. As patients experience improvement in their condition, treatments may be extended once a week to every other week, every three weeks, monthly, and eventually seasonally. Consistency in the treatment plan will produce consistent results. Chronic problems generally require more treatment than acute problems. Our goal is to get you feeling better, period. If that is not happening then we change course and direction or we find you someone that can better serve you.

Finding the scope of practice for Acupuncture Physicians on the State of Florida websites can prove challenging. In the State of Florida, an Acupuncture Physician is considered a primary care provider. As a primary care provider, Acupuncture Physicians are also permitted to order laboratory tests and radiological imaging, become certified as medical examiners, and perform physical examinations.
457.102 Definitions.--As used in this chapter:
(1) “Acupuncture” means a form of primary health care, based on traditional Chinese medical concepts and modern oriental medical techniques, that employs acupuncture diagnosis and treatment, as well as adjunctive therapies and diagnostic techniques, for the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and the prevention of disease. Acupuncture shall include, but not be limited to, the insertion of acupuncture needles and the application of moxibustion to specific areas of the human body and the use of electroacupuncture, Qi Gong, oriental massage, herbal therapy, dietary guidelines, and other adjunctive therapies, as defined by board rule.
(2) “Acupuncturist” means any person licensed as provided in this chapter to practice acupuncture as a primary health care provider.
(3) “Board” means the Board of Acupuncture.
(4) “License” means the document of authorization issued by the department for a person to engage in the practice of acupuncture.
(5) “Department” means the Department of Health.
(6) “Oriental medicine” means the use of acupuncture, electroacupuncture, Qi Gong, oriental massage, herbal therapy, dietary guidelines, acupoint injection therapy and other adjunctive therapies.
(7) “Prescriptive rights” means the prescription, administration, and use of needles and devices, restricted devices, and prescription devices that are used in the practice of acupuncture and oriental medicine.
History.--ss. 1, 2, ch. 80-375; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 38, ch. 83-329; ss. 2, 13, 14, ch. 86-265; s. 57, ch. 91-137; s. 4, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 101, ch. 94-218; s. 6, ch. 97-264; s. 1, ch. 98-418; s. 90, ch. 99-397; s. 62, ch. 2000-318.
Note.--Former s. 468.322.
64B1-3.001 Definitions.
(1) Acupuncture means a form of primary health care based on traditional Chinese medical concepts, that employs acupuncture diagnosis and treatment, as well as adjunctive therapies and diagnostic techniques, for the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and the prevention of disease. Acupuncture shall include but not be limited to the insertion of acupuncture needles and the application of moxibustion to specific areas of the human body.
(2) Acupuncture shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Auricular, hand, nose, face, foot and/or scalp acupuncture therapy;
(b) Stimulation to acupuncture points and channels by use of any of the following:
1. Needles, moxibustion, cupping, thermal methods, magnets, gwa-sha scraping techniques, acupatches, and acuform,
2. Manual stimulation including acutotement (which is defined as stimulation by an instrument that does not pierce the skin), massage, acupressure, reflexology, shiatsu, and tui-na,
3. Electrical stimulation including electro-acupuncture, percutaneous and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
4. Laser biostimulation in accordance with relevant federal law including Food and Drug Administration rules and regulations, providing written notice of such intended use together with proof of compliance with federal requirements are received by the Board of Acupuncture not less than 14 days prior to first time use.
(3) Acupuncture diagnostic techniques shall include but not be limited to the use of observation, listening, smelling, inquiring, palpation, pulses, tongue, physiognomy, five element correspondence, ryodoraku, akabani, German electro acupuncture, Kirlian photography, and thermography.
(4) The needles used in acupuncture shall be solid filiform instruments which shall include but not be limited to: dermal needles, plum blossom needles, press needles, prismatic needles and disposable lancets. The use of staples in the practice of acupuncture shall be prohibited.
(5) Adjunctive therapies shall include but not be limited to:
(a) Nutritional counseling and the recommendation of nonprescription substances which meet the Food and Drug Administration labeling requirements, as dietary supplements to promote health;
(b) Recommendation of breathing techniques and therapeutic exercises;
(c) Lifestyle and stress counseling;
(d) The recommendation of all homeopathic preparations approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Homeopathic Pharmacopeia Committee; and,
(e) Herbology.
64B1-4.011 Diagnostic Techniques.
Diagnostic techniques which assist in acupuncture diagnosis, corroboration and monitoring of an acupuncture treatment plan or in making a determination to refer a patient to other health care providers shall include: traditional Chinese medical concepts and modern oriental medical techniques, recommendation of home diagnostic screening; physical examination; use of laboratory test findings; use of imaging films, reports, or test findings; office screening of hair, saliva and urine; muscle response testing; palpation; reflex; range of motion; sensory testing; thermography; trigger points; vital signs; first-aid; hygiene; and sanitation.
64B1-4.012 Acupoint Injection Therapies.
Effective March 1, 2002, adjunctive therapies shall include acupoint injection therapy which shall mean the injection of herbs, homeopathics, and other nutritional supplements in the form of sterile substances into acupuncture points by means of hypodermic needles but not intravenous therapy to promote, maintain, and restore health; for pain management and palliative care; for acupuncture anesthesia; and to prevent disease.
64B1-9.007 Advertising.
(1) Advertising by persons licensed or certified under Chapter 457, F.S., is permitted so long as the information disseminated is in no way false, deceptive, or misleading and so long as the information does not claim that acupuncture is useful in curing any disease. Any advertisement or advertising shall be deemed false, deceptive, or misleading if it:
(a) Contains a misrepresentation of facts, or
(b) Makes only a partial disclosure of relevant facts; or
(c) Creates false or unjustified expectations of beneficial assistance, or
(d) Contains any representations or claims, as to which the person making the claims does not intend to perform, or
(e) Contains any other representation, statement, or claim which misleads or deceives, or
(f) Fails to conspicuously identify the licensee by name in the advertisement.
(2) As used in the rules of this board, the terms “advertisement” and “advertising” shall mean any statements, oral or written, disseminated to or before the public or any portion thereof, with the intent of furthering the purpose, either directly or indirectly, of selling professional services, or offering to perform professional services, or inducing members of the public to enter into any obligation relating to such professional services.
(3) It shall not be considered false, deceptive, or misleading for any persons licensed or certified under Chapter 457, F.S., to use the following initials or terms:
(a) L.Ac.;
(b) R.Ac.;
(c) A.P.;
(d) D.O.M.;
(e) Licensed Acupuncturist;
(f) Registered Acupuncturist;
(g) Acupuncture Physician; and,
(h) Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
(4) Any licensee who advertises through an agent or through a referral service shall be held responsible for the content of such advertising and shall ensure that the advertising complies with this rule and Chapter 457, F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 457.102, 457.104 FS. Law Implemented 457.102 FS. History–New 8-13-84, Amended 9-19-84, Formerly 21AA-3.01, Amended 12-14-87, 9-3-89, 5-30-91, 1-26-92, 2-27-92, Formerly 21AA-3.001, 61F1-3.001, 59M-3.001, Amended 9-6-06.
Dr. B's Wellness Clinic
6435 Central Ave.
St. Pete, FL 33710
Mon - Fri: 10 am - 6 pm
​​Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm
​Sunday: Closed